

IO operations should be done within begin-rescue blocks.


contents = # The entire file will be read into memory as its contents is retrieved. Read closes after use.
contents = # Same as above (File is a subclass of IO).

contents =, 'r') {|f| } # Allows options to be passed e.g. b for binary. Use of a block ensures file is closed.

Note: A portname is different to a filename and can not contain arbitrary characters i.e. some characters have extra meaning. See Class: IO (Ruby 1.9.3).

Writing, 'w') {|f| f.write(contents) } # Use of a block ensures file is closed.


Parsing UK dates

If you try to parse a date/time in the form ‘dd/mm/yy hh:mm:ss’ in Ruby 1.8.7, you can get the following:

irb(main):005:0> s = '14/02/07 20:54:19'
=> "14/02/07 20:54:19"
irb(main):006:0> Time.parse(s)
ArgumentError: argument out of range
  from /usr/lib64/ruby/1.8/time.rb:184:in `local'
  from /usr/lib64/ruby/1.8/time.rb:184:in `make_time'
  from /usr/lib64/ruby/1.8/time.rb:243:in `parse'
  from (irb):6

This is because it’s expecting mm/dd/yy (why anyone would want to use such a ridiculous format is anyone’s guess).

Block comments

Everything until =end is a block comment

Last modified: 11/09/2012 Tags:

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