rpm commands

In all of the following examples, the vh options are simply so you get a nice verbose, human readable (i.e. progress bar) output when rpm runs.

Search for an installed package:

rpm -q [package]

In the above example you need to know the exact package name. If you don't know the exact name, you can query all packages and pipe the output through grep:

rpm -qa | grep [package]

Here's an example of the differences between these last 2 commands:

 wherever:/home/whoever # rpm -q java
 package java is not installed
 wherever:/home/whoever # rpm -q java*
 package java* is not installed
 wherever:/home/whoever # rpm -q java2
 wherever:/home/whoever # rpm -qa | grep java

Install a package:

rpm -ivh [package]

Upgrade a package:

rpm -Uvh [package]

Delete a package:

rpm -evh [package]

Build a source package:

rpm --rebuild [source]

That last command rebuilds the source file and places the resulting rpm in /usr/src/RPM/RPMS/i586/ (or similar. That particular example was for Mandrake v8.2 on an i586 system). Note that the latest version of rpm provides a different program for building from source.

rpmbuild --rebuild [source]

Build and install a source package:

rpmbuild -ivh --rebuild [source]

Also see

RPM Package Manager at Wikipedia.

Last modified: 17/04/2006 (most likely earlier as a site migration in 2006 reset some dates) Tags: (none)

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