Pages tagged with git

I'm still in the process of tagging pages that were migrated from the old site, so for now you're best off using the search engine rather than relying on the tags.

  • Git-GUI notes - Notes about git-gui, the git GUI. Gotchas Failure traversing parents If you get the following error when cloning a repository using Git Gui… error: Could not read afbf…etc error: Could not read 68a3…etc fatal: Failed to traverse parents of commi...
  • git notes - Notes about Git, the distributed version control system. Index Useful links for those coming from Subversion How tos Delete a tag Remove a file from the last commit Remove added file / remove file from index Find com...
  • Dealing with whitespace in git diff-tree - I wanted to use a git post-commit hook to perform an action on every file that had been committed. A git command can be used to list files committed (from a question on stackoverflow): git diff-tree -r --name-only --no-commit-id HEAD However, this ...
  • Gitosis setup - How to set up gitosis on Debian. gitosis readme Git Repository Hosting in 5 Minute With Gitosis in Debian Lenny Gitosis and a non-standard SSH port Index Install (server-side) Local (server-side) admin setup Remote (client-side) admin ...

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