The link pages on this site are a simple dump of my pinboard bookmarks. This allows me to search them from this site and ensures I have a backup, but it remains much easier to browse them on the pinboard site (via previous link). Btw, I highly recommend pinboard. They provide simple no-nonsense functionality, the pinboard blog is refreshingly honest and their support is quick, friendly and helpful. It's well worth the small cost. And in case you're wondering, I am not affiliated with pinboard in any way - I just like the cut of their jib!
Also see:
Examples of PayPal shopping flow
Approaches for email obfuscation, with test results gathered over 1.5 years.
My latest approach has been the entities approach. The CSS approaches can't be used because they don't allow clickable mailto links (and won't work when css is off). The Javascript approaches can't be used because they rely on Javascript! ATs and DOTs could prove a usability problem. I think the entities approach is the best compromise.
Also, I'm not too trusting of some of his results - his test page doesn't seem to include the ROT encryption technique and instead includes a different CSS technique that uses the same email address as the Javascript buliding test, meaning those results in particular would be wrong.
A guide on developing secure web applications from the Open Web Application Security Project.
Why not to use the @import statement for loading your stylesheets.
A lightbox effect using css3 instead of javascript (though js required for ie as it doesn't support :target). Also read the comment by Mato about how to achieve the effect using :selected rather than :target so that the browser history isn't touched.
A javascript library to detect HTML and CSS capabilities.
Designing With Progressive Enhancement project, for javascript code useful for web development that follows progressive enhancement methods.
Compatibility tables for features in HTML5, CSS3, SVG and other upcoming web technologies
Architectural principles of the web by Tim Berners-Lee.
This web page can tell which links you've visited via a combination of javascript and css' visited pseudo class.
Run Rails and Sinatra on different URLs via Rack
An accessible php contact form that's worth a try.
Good introductory video about the power of inbound links for SEO.
Online version of the Pro Git book by Scott Chacon (Apress publishers).
A screencast on how to use Drupal Views 2 Relationships. Best for those who already have a familiarity with the Views 2 UI because it gets a little messy briefly half way through.
Git workflow example that makes sense.
Read / write record data from / to CSV file in Rails.
Git - Subversion workflow comparison.
Rails internals, e.g. the initialisation process
Sinatra is a DSL for quickly creating web applications in Ruby with minimal effort
How to add a rails application to another rails application as a plugin.
Styling (rails) buttons to look like links and vice versa.
10 classic studies that have illuminated crucial areas of childhood development
Vim plugin for Rails, to provide a variety of shortcuts to Rails specific actions.
ExtJS form builder. Drag and drop to build a form then generate the JSON.
Useful post on recording a macro with vim to find text and insert carriage returns / newlines.
Great Rails plugin for creating attachments, which I found to be a lot more reliable than attachment_fu.
With STI you have to use find_ids_with_ferret and if you want to get hold of the model fields without hitting the DB you need to store them and use the lazy option with the search.
Screencasts about git, the source control system.
Linus Torvals talks about the Git SVM he wrote.
Links to resources about newly released Rails 2.2.
A description of how to use svn_load_dirs (or svn-load-dirs if on gentoo) to manage vendor branchtes in subversion.
Some great CSS and web design work.
A brilliant program to generate a schema diagram (and other info) from an existing database.
Javascript to neatly inform users of IE6 that they should use a better browser!
A good article about the use of GPL license with web applications, i.e. the server/client separation.
A tool to visualise web site usage.
A short summary of the difference between Ruby's include, extend, require and load statements.
A test framework for PHP, with mock support and a web browser for integration tests.
Thoughts on Drupal as an MVC framework.
PHP and Javascript articles.
Tutorial on processing credit cards with Rails.
A good tutorial about using acts_as_ferret plugin to integrate Ferret search index with Ruby on Rails applications.
Examples of what you can do with jquery javascript library.
Examples of what you can do with jquery javascript library.
A summary of a number of project management tools. Should have mentioned Redmine though.
An article on ARIA, the emerging W3C specification for accessibility in rich internet applications (i.e. AJAX apps).
Discussion on theming for SEO.
Informative article, with case studies, about flash seo for google.
A method of replacing text with flash, to make web sites pretty whilst maintaining accessibility and seo.
A standards friendly method to embed flash content using javascript, whilst maintaining accessibility and seo.
How to do unit testing in drupal using the simpletest module.
How to do unit testing in drupal with the simpletest module.
Speed comparison of Javascript frameworks - mootools, jquery, prototype, yui and dojo.
An easy way to disable your live website for maintenance, using capistrano and mod_rewrite.
PHP framework for developing social networks.
Get an idea of what your site looks like to a web crawler.
Microformat converter and validator.
Image gallery functionality for MODx CMS.
How to host rails in a subdirectory by setting ActionController::AbstractRequest.relative_url_root in your production.rb config file.
An informative Ruby on Rails security presentation.
A cheatsheet for rails migration, with a nice table showing how Rails maps data types to the underlying database types.
Guide for Redmine project management software.
Free open source availability calendar in PHP (with AJAX) and MySQL.
Wizard to create google map to embed in your web page.
The correct way to hide javascript - use CDATA instead of HTML comments.
HTML validator that can validate entire sites.
Weather report for embedding in web sites (Flash I believe).
Javascript and CSS for accessible forms.
jQuery form validation plugin.
How to install Safari on Linux via Wine.
Have capistrano prompt for svn password and generate database.yml.
Why not to use display:none to hide skip links.
Use visibility:hidden alongside display:none to reliably hide content in a web page.
Recommendations from the Royal National Institute of Bline People about web page contruction.
A tool to show you on a map where in the world visitors to your site are coming from.
Continuous integration tool.
A useful set of applications to manage web applications, mainly Rails.
Environment.rb setting to have a Rails app (e.g. Typo) working in a subdirectory.
Article and discussion about scaling with fastcgi.
Example of test driven development writing a Typo sidebar plugin.
One way to make a multi lingual web site using the MODx content management system.
In Rails, if you make a typo with script/generate and get 'Script started, output file is generate', then you're now recording your shell session with a program called script. Stop it with 'exit' then delete the file called 'generate' that was created.
A good presentation on caching in Rails.
A comment from DHH about Rails in shared hosting environments (I believe in response to Dreamhost). There is a list of potential Rails hosts at the bottom (which is why I'm bookmarking it).
A useful method defined in Rails.
How to freeze a specific version of Rails in an application's vendor directory so that updates on the hosting environment don't break the app.
Best practice for using association proxies in Rails.
A list of some useful Rails plugins.
A basic html "slider" control that uses radio buttons hence does not require javascript and can be standards compliant.
You can now use << with the has_many :through association in Rails.
An article on using Rails' ActiveResource for consuming web services, with a nice table showing examples of what's sent and received for each REST operation.
Using Ruby threads with Rails.
How to communicate with your server from the client using javascript. The article includes mention of which browsers support things like adding iframes and scripts.
Did you know that your history can be seen by a 3rd party site, using a CSS hack that doesn't require any Javascript? Here's the test page. Don't do there if you don't want to see it work!
A nice introduction to secure distributed computing with a capabilities system, from the E wiki (E is an object-capability language).
An example of javascript hijacking with details on how to protect youreslf.
A collection of cross site scripting attack test cases.
An overview of the changes in Rails 2.0.
Prevent cross site request forgery (CSRF) with formkeys, aka one-time tokens - much like a capability based security system.
A great idea for a standard to secure distributed web services using existing technologies.
An interesting introduction to the evolution of web technologies, their flaws and potential solutions. Also see "Core Patterns for Web Permissions" by Tyler Close for what seems to be a proposal similar to the solutions suggested in this lecture.
Overview of some basic, though prevalent, security threats to web-based distributed computing. (Watch out for the subtitles - an unfortunate consequence of having an American interpreting an Englishman - e.g. "HTTP version" => "Hasty e-version")
A nice dock menu in the style of OSX, written in jQuery I believe.
Covers many (hopefully most) issues with Javascript security and how to deal with them.
A nice tutorial for using the Javascript setInterval function to periodically call a function (rather than using setTimeout).
Intro to writing bookmarklets.
The home of JavaScript Object Notation.
Using jquery with Rails, using rjs (with a link to a page describing .js.erb).
A list of the most popular rails developers according to
Brief comparison of jquery and prototype design philosophies, illustrating why jquery has more in common with Ruby syntax and prototype more in common with Java syntax.
Why jquery is great. I like it because of its strict namespacing, which is great for bookmarklet / favelet / plugin / extension writing.
A speed comparison test between the following javascript libraries: prototype, jquery, mootools, ext, dojo.
Side by side code comparison of prototype and jquery javascript libraries.
A nice alternative to display:none which doesn't leave a gap where the item was. It's also useful when dynamically writing to a hidden element with Javascript - the use of display:none seems to prevent you writing, this method doesn't.
See the sweet titles js file for a nice example of clean javascript.
A nice, explained, example of object oriented Javascript code.
Brilliant tutorial / advice for writing bookmarklets.
Nice example of a bookmarklet.
Description of the 2005 javascript myspace worm, which illustrates how you can get around security controls with a keen mind and perseverance.
Information about cross-site request forgeries and how to prevent them.
Session riding and how to avoid it using tokens.
A nice descriptive intro to JSON - JavaScript Object Notation. Use it to write javascript in a more object oriented way.
Nice online API documentation for Ruby on Rails.
The use of method_missing to implement the Composite, Proxy and State GOF patterns in Ruby.
Ruby hash "oddity" with default key.
Why asking your site users for passwords to third party sites is wrong.
A Rails work-around for how to read existing active record objects from the database and create new associations in memory (rather than having them automatically written to the database).
Asynchronous Processing for Ruby (and Rails).
Details about the Rails initialisation process and how to run config at different point in the process for different environments.
Easy way to "stripe" table rows in Rails (i.e. alternate their colour).
Good advice for controlling logging in Ruby on Rails.
A couple of ways to run background jobs in Rails.
How to achieve bi-directional communication between a DRb client and server. Also applies to BackgrounDRb.
An interesting "mash-up maker" framwork (in PHP on a LAMP stack or similar).
Mechanize's home on Rubyforge.
Information about robots exclusiong, e.g. robots.txt.
How to use Subversion with Ruby on Rails. I found it useful reading how to unpack specific gems for versioning.
Some useful regular expression examples.
A potentially useful test plugin for Rails that spiders your site and tests for things like markup validity, routing, test coverage, form submission.
Benchmark comparison of acts_as_solr and acts_as_ferret Ruby on Rails search plugins.
How to manage 3rd party (vendor) code with Rails and Subversion.
Links to (software) development related articles, with user (digg style) promotion of articles to the front page.
"OpenSearch is a collection of simple formats for the sharing of search results.... can be used to extend existing syndication formats, such as RSS and Atom, with the extra metadata needed to return search results."
How to add links to your site as a feed using the feeddigest service.
Information about RSS (in)compatibility over its various versions.
A useful checklist for Ruby on Rails application security.
Great javascript library for implementing an cross-browser innerHTML-style function.
Rails howto guides for developers.
You need to include fixtures from the globalize plugin in order to test it.
Information about the Rails 1.2 plugin initialization process.
A ruby gem for integrating with the trustcommerce subscriptions / online payment services.
How to load fixtures in order and how to load binary data in fixtures.
How to handle foreign keys in Rails.
An introduction to integration testing in Rails, for testing the interaction of multiple controllers.
A plugin that allows you to reference external fixtures from a fixture. Can be used to make your fixtures DRYer.
How to make your fixtures DRY by including ruby code to increment IDs and pull in data from other fixtures.
Example of when to use indexes for your database columns.
When to use indexes to columns in your database.
How to test Rails controllers that require login, applicable to plugins like acts_as_authenticated and restful_authentication
How to install and set up the Rails restful_authentication plugin.
How to use named routes in Rails.
A good programming practice for Rails.
Small, lightweight, Rails based forum software.
A video giving a high level explanation of how the OpenID protocol works with Ruby.
Some good points about the use of fixtures in Rails, most importantly, that fixtures should contain valid data - edge cases should be in the tests.
A Rails plugin for managing fixtures in a set of scenarios - a nice way around several problems with normal fixtures.
Changes to how routes are specified since the simply_restful plugin was merged into the Rails core.
Graceful degradation for the RESTful Rails delete / destroy functionality. Note that it's slightly out of date when it comes to the new route. See
Rails with Gentoo wiki article, including how to install Rails 1.2.
REST with Rails tutorial.
A brief introduction to jQuery and why you can't use it in Rails (although attempts are being made to integrate it).
Download guidgen.exe, the globally unique identifier generator for Microsoft Windows, without having to install the SDK.
A Ruby Gem that works with Rails to take it one step further towards a complete site, design and all. In its own words: "Hobo is an Open Source extension to Ruby on Rails which helps you build full blown web applications incredibly quickly and easily".
Firefox or Thunderbird extension creation wizard.
Description of how firefox extensions reference the browser document (XULDocument) and the web page document (HTMLDocument). Also, information about how to reference frames from a firefox extension.
A online remote editor / development environment that allows you to edit files on multiple ftp sites simultaneously. Looks like a online desktop.
Why you have to close a script tag in Internet Explorer.
How to reference iframes from javascript.
Javascript library function to replace Microsoft's innerHTML function with a standards-compliant version.
A list of browsers by rendering engine.
Useful tips about writing (javascript) bookmarklets, with particular mention of frame handling and restrictions.
A Linux/Gtk+ port of Apple Computer Inc.8's WebCore KHTML html rendering engine9 including a web component.
An introduction to Javascript's main language features - higher order functions, dynamic typing and object models.
A blog about what's new in edge rails.
A machine readable format for expressing privacy practices, for use on websites so that browsers can intepret the information and automate privacy-related decisions. e.g. no need to read a privacy policy if the browser can interpret a website's intention.
A basic microformat for representing human relationships using (x)html hyperlinks.
Browser usage stats, from members of the webmasterworld forums.
Information about popular software versioning schemes.
Example safari bookmarklets.
Example bookmarklets from Apple.
The two method of writing safari plugins.
Step by step help for creating a WebKit plugin for safari, for people who are already familiar with the terminology.
Safari plugin development resources from Apples Safari Developer FAQ.
Cross document messaging via the WhatWG Web Application specificaiton.
A post I submitted to the MSDN forums asking why my "hello world" addon didn't work, which turned out to be down to a really silly error on my part.
A win32 installer/uninstaller that can be used to package IE plugins (as far as I know).
Basic introduction to Internet Explorer plugins, with a number of example plugins and their source.
An introduction to the semantic web and its technologies.
Javascript unit testing framework.
Article about aspect oriented programming in javascript, using logging as an example.
How to add a toolbar button to Internet Explorer.
Articles on IE browser extensions from the MSDN.
A collection of Internet Explorer DHTML (i.e. Javascript) extensions. Linked from
Forum topic about creating a button in the Internet Explorer toolbar.
How to write a Browser Helper Object (BHO) for Internet Explorer (5 and 6) to pick up mouse gestures.
Article about the General Public License in relation to networked services.
How to use the linux ps command to determine the PID of a Webrick session in order to kill it. Not unique to Webrick, but a useful reminder of ps flags.
Notes from a developer about integrating Paypal into a web site.
Tutorial on Ruby on Rails Migrations, used to manage databases over time.
Information about Rails' ActionController class, with clear examples, e.g. how to render different things - actions, partials, templates, xml, file, text, inline template, JavaScriptGenerator page (rjs).
Basic Rails RJS tutorial.
How to code destructive links in Ruby on Rails (i.e. use button_to rather than link_to).
A good introductory Ruby on Rails tutorial with example application.
Rails test helper methods for HTML validation.
Overview of Internet Explorer architecture.
An Internet Explore Browser Helper Object tutorial.
A list of 500 semantic web tools
An open source project that provides datasets from extracting structured information from Wikipedia.
XPCOM, the cross platform component object model from Mozilla.
Probably the best online XUL resource.
Interesting work about augmenting web sites with additional functionality, i.e. towards the semantic web.
How to access the current tab's document object module from a firefox extension.
A Windows development environment for Linux.
Open data formats, built on widely used standards, for sharing data between applications.
Creating a simple "short link" addon for internet explorer.
An easy way to create a basic Internet Explorer addon that works using Javascript.
An article from Microsoft demonstrating how to create a browser helper object for Internet Explorer.
Links to resources about Internet Explorer addon development.
Articles about Internet Explorer addon development.
Useful techy computing tutorials.
Links to resources about firefox extension development.
Javascript workshop from a leading javascript developer (and yahoo employee).
Another tutorial about how to create a "hello world" firefox extension and installer.
Code behind a very basic extension that creates random popups. i.e. code example of how to create a popup using the firefox API from a firefox extension.
Home page of the Extension Developer's Extension.
How to create a "hello world" type extension, with the user of the Extension Developer's Extension.
How to enable extension updates for your firefox extension.
How to create menus in XUL.
A firefox extension that lets you modify a web page using a WYSIWYG editor, saves the changes as a greasemonkey script, then reruns the script next time you visit the site.
How to use mod_rewrite to point a cpanel parked domain to an addon domain.
Automatically create the php behind a form. You need to upload two html pages - a form and a thank you page.
IE compatible CSS horizontal drop-down menu. Looks good, but it still uses javascript.
Google webmaster tools. Very useful.
Article about how to create a client side web service broker, i.e. ajax stylee.
A list of great ajax applications and resources.
Nice simple backup script in the forum post.
How to manipulate the modx database to unblock a user or reset password.
Article about Ruby on Rails jobs resources and it's increasing popularity.
A good comparison between Ruby and Python, from an evolutionary perspective.
A question in the GPL FAQ that describes why a program that simply uses GPL software via the API does not have to be released under the GPL.
Javascript to sort tables using Ajax.
How to paginate, sort and search a table with Ajax and Rails.
Cheat sheets for a variety of programming languages.
A ruby on rails cheat sheet.
Good article describing the main choices concerned with choosing how to license your software, open source or otherwise.
An online (and printed) book that describes the various open source licenses and their legalities.
A forum thread about useful SEO programs.
User survey that reveals the most popular AJAX frameworks and platforms.
A great example and description of how not to write a web page.
A program to install multiple versions of IE on Windows.
Rails examples, how-to's and tools.
27 good rails resources, mainly articles.
Google cheat sheet listing their numerous URLs, usage examples, partners, etc.
Tips on how to beat the google sandbox and get new sites a high ranking quickly. I most certainly do NOT agree with a lot of the techniques suggested, e.g. linking from wikipedia, but it's interesting to see how SEO is done "from the horses mouth".
How to build a web spider or scaper in Ruby.
Wikipedia article about information retrieval.
Subversion guide - How to remove a change from the repository.
Good simple advice about building a web spider, with attention on netiquette.
Check who links to a given URL.
Explore the Yahoo search DB. View links to a particular URL.
How to evaluate software.
The Software Usability Research Laboratory.
How to translate your Ruby on Rails web application using gettext.
A W3C specification designed as a metadata model using XML which has come to be used as a general method of modelling knowledge.
Language implementation performance comparisons.
This page links to a good pdf that compares Java web application frameworks - spring, struts, webwork, jsf.
The MySQL editor used in the Ruby on Rails demo.
A brilliant web site validator, that checks for html validation, accessibility, spelling, broken links and can provide a screenshot so you can check your page's appearance in a given browser. Briliant.
Background position tests and compatibility table.
Ajax user interface effects library.
Ajax user interface effect library.
MODx frequently asked questions. Refers to other usefull online documents.
Quick reference for common svn tasks, from creating a repository to managing it.
Introduction to test driven development, with an example in Ruby.
A rake that parses Ruby on Rails tests to generate a list of things that your code needs to do in order to pass the tests (taken from the test name of course). This page is part of a log about techy stuff from Ben Griffiths, of reevoo (a startup company t
How to do test driven development in Ruby on Rails.
A test tool for web site interface testing.
A cheat sheet for the Ruby on Rail test assertions.
Good advice about starting a forum.
A great interactive Ruby tutorial. Good for learning basic syntax, methods etc.
New features of vim 7 editor.
Interesting web developers tool
TrackBack technical specification from Six Apart.
Potential solutions to Apache's "Directory index forbidden by rule" error.
A comparison of Integrated Development Environments.
A set of simple formats for the sharing of search results. Any website that has a search feature can make their results available in OpenSearch™ format. Other tools can then read those search results.
How to achieve minimum width in IE.
How to build a heatmap to show how users are clicking on your web page.
Why designing websites with fast iterations can be benefiticial
Useful description of the Apache-Test testing platform.
A great PDF slideshow on PHP unit testing, with comparison of different test frameworks and examples.
Open source ecommerce sollution, in php.
Open source e-commerce solution, in php.
A tutorial for building a simple shopping cart in php.
PHP scripts for price quote functionality.
A PHP framework inspired by Ruby on Rails.
A blog about the "manageability of complex software systems". Good advice from people running micro-ISVs that have been there and done that.
The case for open source for business, from the open source initiative.
A technical argument for the superior reliability of general open-source software. This paper was behind Netscape's pioneering decision to take its client software open-source.
Intiative to promote open source software.
REST, REpresentational State Transfer, is a software archtecture style for distributed hypermedia system, aka the web.
Notes on Ruby for Java programmers.
Firefox toolbar extension tutorial.
Andrew Stellman and Jennifer Greene introduce five basic principles in their new book, Applied Software Project Management, that will help any project succeed, open source or proprietary. The authors detail these principles in this article.
darcs is an advanced revision control system.