I'm still in the process of tagging pages that were migrated from the old site, so for now you're best off using the search engine rather than relying on the tags.
- xargs - The xargs command is commonly used with find to perform a command on each of files that match the search criteria, by piping the results of the find command into xargs. find ./ -type f -print xargs -i mv -f {} ./newdir T...
- Find files containing a pattern - You can find files with grep or find with grep. Using grep grep -riHn [pattern] . This will recursively find all files under the current directory (and it’s subdirectories) that contain the given pattern. The flags are as follows: r recursive...
- Extract filenames from file - grep for word in file | remove spaces | remove unwanted text | do op on file grep whatever whatever.log | sed 's/ /\\ /g' | sed 's/whatever//g' | xargs ls -l Example: List infected files clamscan -r -lclamscan.log / recursively scans all files and...