Ext JS

I’ve been unfortunate enough to have to use Ext JS. I came away from the experience with the impression that it’s slow, bloated and over complicated. Never again.

Ext.onReady(function() {
       var menu = new Ext.menu.Menu({
          items: [
		  {text:'sub test',
                   menu: {
                   	items: [
                		{text:'sub sub test',
                        	 menu: {
		  text:'another item',
		  menu: {
		  	items: []

    var tb = new Ext.Toolbar({renderTo:'toolbar'});
	menu: menu

First impressions

(Nothing to see here. Please move on)

  • REALLY bloody slow.
  • Can’t make a button in a toolbar an anchor, without using a javascript handler function. i.e. one handler per link!
  • Everything is created using tables within tables.
  • Styling is a nightmare because of the above.
  • I’m sure there’s a memory leak in it because every time I open a couple of pages built on extjs (e.g. extjs.com) firefox eventually ends up consuming huge amounts of memory, even after the pages are closed.
  • Useless error messages with ext-all-debug.js, e.g.
comp is undefined
 }else if(!comp.events){
  • One slight mistake in your JS and it effects other elements on the page, e.g. page with a toolbar along top, form in content with mistake in JS, you get TWO identical toolbars. Note: All div names differ, so it’s not an element reference thing.

Last modified: 11/03/2009 Tags:

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